All Courses, Digital Health Systems
Behavioural Health
Course • 5 lessonsFind out what behavioural health is, and how patients can change their behaviour through intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Explore three evidence based health apps that can influence behaviour to support patients' health.
All Courses, Digital Health Systems
Digital Literacy
Course • 5 lessonsLearn what digital literacy is and what you need to consider when you develop digital health products, such as health apps. Find out how to avoid creating barriers for communities and clinicians that will use digital health products.
All Courses, Digital Health Systems
Do We Always Need a Randomised Controlled Trial?
Course • 8 lessonsFind out why a randomised controlled trial (RCT) isn't always needed to judge the risks and benefits of digital health technologies, such as health apps, before you recommend it to a patient. See the advantages of real world and observational data.
All Courses, Digital Health Systems
Experts Discuss: How to Involve and Engage Patients in Digital Health Tech Innovation
Course • 2 lessonsLearn how the EnACT principles of 'engage, acknowledge, communicate, and trust' apply to digital health product development. And why EnACT is central to the evidence based guide ‘How to involve and engage patients in digital health tech innovation'.
All Courses, Digital Health Systems
How is Evidence Changing in Digital Health Over Time?
Course • 5 lessonsFind out how randomised controlled trials and observational studies can help you decide to recommend a digital health product, such as an app. And if you need to know whether a digital health product is cost effective before you recommend it.
All Courses, Digital Health Systems
The Digital Health Assessment Landscape
Course • 8 lessonsFind out what standards we look at when it comes to assessing a digital health product, such as an app, why we need to assess digital health products, and how we can overcome the challenges that come with assessing them.